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  • Writer's picturetortoise7a

Go on a Thrilling Climbing Trip in the Langenfels of the Vosges Mountains: discover the Alsace ⛰

As May deepens, the sky becomes a calm canvas of azure blue, adding a romantic touch to the lush landscape of the enchanting Vosges Mountains. This natural wonderland, full of breathtaking attractions, continues to lure climbers like us in search of new heights and thrilling adventures.

This time of year, many of my climbing companions embark on week-long to two-week adventures through the sun-drenched landscapes of southern France, the rugged terrain of Germany, and even the exotic wonders of Turkey. Finding climbing partners in Alsace proved difficult, but I eventually found my way to Langenfels, located at the northern end of the Vosges mountains near the German border.

Langenfels : sector  <Grande Tour>
Langenfels : sector <Grande Tour>

Langenfels is only a distant memory, and arriving during this wonderful spring season was truly a sight to behold. It was truly exhilarating to have the lush green world surround me.

Despite the expected crowds due to perfect climbing conditions, I was pleasantly surprised by the small number of fellow climbers. Perhaps everyone's wanderlust got the better of them and they went looking for other strange cliffs and rocky terrain!

Here in Langenfels, besides our group, only a couple from German-speaking countries and a few acquaintances joined us later. The quiet and peaceful atmosphere allowed me to savor the art of mountaineering without a care in the world.

Langenfels : sector <Le diable en tête>
Langenfels : sector <Le diable en tête>

Located north of the Vosges Mountains, Langenfels caters to climbers of all skill levels and is an ideal playground for beginners and intermediate climbers alike. Surrounded by reddish-brown rock peaks and embraced by lush green trees, it felt as though nature itself extended a warm welcome, and an uncontrollable sense of elation welled up inside us.

The anticipation and exhilaration preceding each climb epitomize the true essence of this adventure sport, wouldn't you say? Sweat-damp palms, hearts pounding with anticipation, and a strangely heightened sense of focus. With each step, the view unfolds in awe-inspiring glory. With each breathtaking panorama, a wave of accomplishment and joy permeates my being.

Moreover, climbing brings us into an intimate dialogue with nature, allowing us to harmonize with its rhythms while pushing our own limits. Words cannot describe the indescribable feeling of becoming one with nature as I embrace the rock face of Langenfels with both hands. As the day's climb draws to a close, a sense of fulfillment and happiness envelops me. It was a day that embodied the irresistible charm of the Vosges Mountains and the essence of climbing.

I am deeply grateful for the invitation that led me on this wonderful journey.


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